1. Individualism
Everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immedway, since they hold the more senior positions and had
higher status, their decision was respected.
3. Power distance
This dimension is similar to the former one. Power is distributed in
institutions and organizations. In this case, the Swedish managers are more
powerful than the American workers in this company, so they have the power
to make the final decision.
1. Uncertainty avoidance
Australia is a country that accepts uncertainty. The foreign government offers
investment incentives to the company which will encourage the industry
“leader” to enter the country and invest. Both the risks and the rewards are high. In order to get the benefit, the company risks investing. What’s more, it
invested more money and doubled the size of a fermentation plant after three years. It is very clear that the company is relatively comfortable with ambiguity. They have great ambitions and faith paying less attention to the uncertainty.
2. Long-term and short-term orientation
Long-term orientation looks into the future. Burns Philip’s first venture into China started after learning some very hard lessons and Burns Philip’s plants are located in Guangdong, Shanghai, Harbin, and in the west gradually. It focuses on the long-term bene