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文档介绍:第2页 /总页数 12 页

 英文爱情故事小短文:Are you waiting for me?
The girl is very beautiful and very cute. Adir. In the hole and nothingness. I skipped school, decided to visit him.
He is in a small town far away. But I still decided to go to.
It is a bold and aggressive decision. He doesn't know me, we didn't say half sentence.
In on my bicycle. I am on the way to the strange town.
第3页 /总页数 12 页
Is really strange. All dirt, boiling up soil dives into my face, and sweat. Just rained by exposure to the sun, the dust has indescribable smell, I like the taste, like to go to see a person's feeling.
Bicycle is broken, a chains will be off, I hang chain while humming a song of songs, hum of what is not important, important is I have a light fragrance of the heart, with a stimulus and joy.
I this is to see oneself to like a person!
The sun is very poisonous, my skin was burnt by the hot, I'm thirsty, but didn't sell water, I only ride, only go forward.
I think, I almost heatstroke. Throat smoke, more hot, white shirt quick became black, with a mixed dust and sweat on the clothes.
Shoes also is full of soil, but my heart is happy, again afraid, and trembling, saw what he says, he said I like? No, I won't say! I only see his one eye is enough, just looking at it. Just a glance!
Midway I also lost, went to another town. Ask again for you to find, to his home, it's getting late.
I stood at his doorstep, cold feet.
Quietly into the yard. See the back of a teenager.
In the mind blast.
第5页 /总页数 12 页
But, not him.
Fat some, shorter than him, he looked back and you seek? He asked me.
...... I said, I find... I carefully say his name.
My brother went to grandma's house.
I suddenly feel aching, like breaking down, I just smiled, then rushed out, I ran quickly, on the bike ran crazily, like what's behind the people after me.
Who are you? Who are you? Shouted his brother in t


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