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文档介绍:U3 重点词汇讲解 1. ridiculous adj. 可笑的,滑稽的;该嘲笑的;荒谬的 If te can stop and think about that, she would understand how ridiculous it would be. 如果 te 停下来思考一下,她应该会明白这是多么讽刺的事。 That ’s the sort of place we might want eventually, but the prices are ridiculous. 这种住宅就是我们希望购买的类型,但价格太贵了。 ridiculously adv. 可笑地,荒唐地 2. tired adj. 疲乏,累; (对……感到)厌倦 It was clear that Paul was tired because he walked around all day. 保罗显然很疲倦,因为他晃了一整天。 be tired of 厌烦 Only after half a year, he was tired of working asa clerk in pany. 才过了半年,他就厌倦了公司职员的工作。 I’m tired of practicing the violin, and I’m going to give ita rest for a while. 我厌烦了练****小提琴,我想停下来休息一会。 tiring 使人疲倦的 It had been a long tiring day. 这一天让人感到又累又长. 3. will n. (1) 意志;意志力(2) 遗嘱(3) 愿望,希望,目的,志愿,志向(4) (对待人的)心意,心地 iron will 钢铁意志 strong will 坚强的意志 In her will she left all her money to her children. 她在遗嘱中将其所有的钱留给子女。 He had a strong will to beat his opponent. 他有击败对手的强烈欲望。 4. plug vt. (1) 把……塞住,堵塞( +up ),被……淹没,充满,充斥 He plugged his ears with cotton balls. 他用棉球塞住双耳。(2) (在广播或电视中)一再宣传;大打广告 People are always plugging their books on TV talk shows. 人们总是在电视访谈节目中一再推荐自己所写的书。 He ’s been plugging his new song on the radio. 他一直在收音机上为他的新歌大打广告。 5. economical adj. 经济的,节约的,节俭的,经济学的;经济上的 This car is economical to run because it doesn ’t use much fuel. 开这辆车省钱,因为它耗油不多。 be economical of time and energy 节省时间和精力 It’s not an economical method of heating. 这不是一种经济的取暖方式。 She is an economical housewife