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The Change of The City 城市的变化.docx

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The Change of The City 城市的变化.docx

上传人:芝士酒是力量 2022/5/23 文件大小:15 KB


The Change of The City 城市的变化.docx



The Change of The City 城市的变化
I live in a city, since I was small, I witnessed all the things happened in this city2
The Change of The City 城市的变化
I live in a city, since I was small, I witnessed all the things happened in this city.
Now, in my eyes, after so many years, the city has changed so much. First, the transportation has become fluent. Many years ago, there were less bus stations, people always needed to changed their lines by many cars. But now, almost all the places can be reached by bus, people dont need to change the line.
Second, the buildings are enlarging, this reflects the citys economy develops fast. Indeed, I can go to many newly built public places to have fun, some are for children, some are for the old, all of