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文档介绍:决明子的功用(Function of cassia seed)
Semen Cassiae slimming principle
Cassia seed has the functions of clearing liver and ia green tea:
Ingredients: cassia seed, green tea, 5g each.
Method: stir fry Semen Cassiae in small fire until the aroma overflows. Stir fry the cassia seed and green tea in the cup. Pour into boiling water and soak for 3~5 minutes. Then drink. With the drink with added water, until the light so far.
Efficacy: this tea cool throat, good taste, and calming the liver, lowering blood pressure, laxative effect, Mingmu eye.
Indications: applicable to hypertension, hyperlipidemia, constipation, blurred vision.
Note: the tea production emblem are longer than food production; Usnea, Zhejiang Shaoxing day cast, longer than the Qing long; Fujian, Fujian tea production, specializing in the production of Liuhe, or miasma; for dysentery: Kudingcha, production in southern Japan Pu' er Tea, and food addiction miasma, stopping dysentery work. " Therefore, jiangzhixiaoshi in Anhui green tea and Yunnan Pu' er Tea. Semen Cassiae in order to particles evenly, plump, Tan is better, fried when there is aroma overflow, not fried paste, so as not to affect efficacy. Cassia seed tea bitter cold stomach, so the spleen and stomach, deficiency of Qi and blood are not. Tea contains caffeine, refreshing and refreshing work, therefore, do not drink tea at night, in case of insomnia.


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