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辛辛那提当代艺术中心介绍 4221.docx

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辛辛那提当代艺术中心介绍 4221.docx

上传人:爱的奉献 2022/5/24 文件大小:876 KB


辛辛那提当代艺术中心介绍 4221.docx


Zaha Hadid
Contemporary Arts Center (CAC)
Cincinnati, Ohio
The Contemporary A
The six-story 87,000 square-foot Center features 17,000 square feet of gallery space, the UnMuseum (a children's education center for
participatory art installations, hands-on projects and other programs) and a 150-seat performance space, a bookstore, caf ? kiosk and office facilities.
The concrete, steel and glass building features undulating levels and ramps to accommodate the varied shapes, scales and media of contemporary art. The galleries, that appear to float over the main
lobby, connect and interlock like a three dimensional jigsaw puzzle, allowing for unobstructed viewing from all sides.
"The public lobby, where everyone enters, is downtown and central to the city so people who are just walking around can go in and have a coffee downstairs or hang around the lobby or go upstairs to quickly see a show. It is a very accessible building.
It's not a compact building and there is a degree of transparency on the ground and above. So it's not only how we use it, but also how we pass through it.
Every time you confront the space you have a different experience".
Zaha Hadid
The Contemporary Arts Center will present the largest group exhibition in its history to inaugurate the new space. SomewhereBetter than this Place: Alternative Social Experience in the Spaces of Contemporary Art
will feature works by 39 leading contemporary artists and artist collaboratives. The exhibition represents the diverse backgrounds,
perspectives and sensibilities of leading . and international artists working in various media - including installation, film, photography, video, audio and live performance. The work of renowned artists such as Vanessa Beecroft, Janet Cardiff and Yinka Shonibare
will be on display alongside established and e


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