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文档介绍:TD-SCDMA Network Planning and Optimization
As a crucial step before the construction and operation of wrefore, it is recommended that priority should be give to outdoor coverage with indoor coverage as a supplement at the initial stage of network construction.
Phase II: Capacity Drives Network Deployment
On the precondition that coverage is guaranteed, priority should be give to the expansion of capacities and the optimization of networks. Both macro and micro cells should be used for coverage. The micro cell base stations should be able to have sufficient capacity to support hotspot area and indoor coverage. Consideration should also be given to dual carrier, multi-carrier and HCS (Hierarchical Cell Structure) technologies.
Phase III: Mature Networks
At this phase, a relatively sound network is deployed and a large customer base is developed. Therefore more attention should be paid to the enhancement of network features, increase of services and QoS improvement. Solutions should be sought to cover weak field strength areas, blind areas, hotspot areas and indoor environment. Priority should be given to capacity expansion of macro cells. For micro and micro-micro cells, attention should be paid to both capacity and coverage.
Chart 2: Planning Process of TD-SCDMA Wireless Networks
-SCDMA Network Coverage
The radius of TD-SCDMA system is determined


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