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Hoggan microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪 microFET3 肌力检测仪.docx

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Hoggan microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪 microFET3 肌力检测仪.docx

上传人:1801607**** 2017/4/14 文件大小:710 KB


Hoggan microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪 microFET3 肌力检测仪.docx


文档介绍:Hoggan microFET2 肌肉力量测试仪 Muscle Testing Hoggan Health Industries ergoPAK Hoggan Scientific, LLC ergoFET Muscle Testing Technology that Fits in the Palm of your Hand – Palm Gauge The wireless microFET2 Digital Handheld Muscle Tester is an accurate, portable Force Evaluation and Testing (FET) device. It is designed specifically for taking objective, reliable, and quantifiable muscle testing measurements. It isa modern adaptation of the time-tested art of hands-on manual muscle testing. The microFET2 aids in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Now with wireless capability, you can enjoy freedom from inconvenient cord tangling and being wired to the data-puter. No more cables, cords, or wires. This unique, handheld device is battery operated, weighs less than a pound, and is ergonomically designed to fortably in the palm of your hand. The microFET2 uses sophisticated digital technology. Strain gauge elements within the transducer react independently to measure external forces from multiple angles. This patented system enables the gauge to detect even subtle changes in force regardless of the direction in which it is applied. The microFET2 has the following specifications: 1. Selectable units of measure: pounds (lbs.), Newtons (N), or kilogram-force (kgf) 2. Accurate measurement to 1% of full scale 3. Two threshold settings for muscle testing: Low Thresho