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总分:101分 考试时间:60分钟 听力局部 一、听录音,排列以下句子的依次e in the family?A Six. B Five. C Four.( ) 3. Who is cleaning the floor?A My mother. B My father. C Ann.( ) 4. Who can clean bike? A My mother. B My father. C I .( ) 5. What is my sister doing?A She is watching TV. B She is reading a book. C She is doing her 一、在B栏中找出与A栏句子相配的答句:(10)A B( ) 1. Are you ready for breakfast? A. It’s me.( ) 2. Can I go in the building? B. No, you can’t.( ) 3. Where are my earphones? C. There are eleven.( ) 4. Were they in the box? D. Next week.( ) 5. How many stops are there? E. You are at the cinema.( ) 6. Do you want to watch TV? F. No, I don’t.( ) 7. When is the party? G. It’s in June.( ) 8. Who’s on duty today? H. No, they weren’t.( ) 9. Where am I now? I. Not yet.( ) 10. When’s Children’s Day? J. They are on the 、选择填空:〔15〕( ) 1. This isn’t _________ pen. It’s my ; yours B mine ; yours C you ; mine ( ) 2. What’s ten plus nine? ________ They are B It’s C they are ( ) 3. It’s cold. You must ________ you warm take off B find C put on ( ) 4. I have two photos B photoes C phots( ) 5. This is ________ English car. That’s _______ Chinese car. A an ; an B an ; a C a ; a( ) 6. _______ is it? Thirty yuan. A How B How much C How many( ) 7. Happy birthday ________ you. This pen is _______ you. A to ; for B for ; to C to ; to( ) 8. One of the boys _________ a basketball. A have B with C has( ) 9. Let’