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希腊神话故事 02.docx

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希腊神话故事 02.docx

上传人:baibai 2022/5/28 文件大小:32 KB


希腊神话故事 02.docx


希腊神话故事 02
点此试听Orpheus and Eurydice(俄耳甫斯与欧律狄刻的生死恋)
Orpheusthe side of a great poured out of the mouth of the mouth of the side of a great sceamscould be heard from inside,but Orpheus' love forEurydice,and his determination to find her,wereso great that he was not afraid. He entered into the cave and instantly thelight of the world outside crowds of ghosts surrouded him as he walked downthe long staircase into the center of terrible words that Orpheus could normal man would have been killed quickly on entering hades,but Orpheus had his lyre and playde such sweet music that the guardsof the underworld let him pass. After many hoours the stairs finally endedand Orpheus arrived in the center of god of Hades sat in his great chair with his wife,and Orpheus bowed before the began to play his lyre and sing:  "Great gods of the under-world,to whom all men must one day come,Please hear my words,for they are true and from my deepest heart.  I have not come to spy on your secrets,or to tesr my stength against the monsters of this world.  I have come to find my wife,who was taken from me too early by thebite of a snake.  I have come here for love.  Love,the most powerful of the gods of themenwho live on the earth,and,I believe,a powerful god