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上传人:杏杏铺 2022/5/29 文件大小:33 KB




TERRITORY OF THE BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS   THE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIains professional contact with solicitors, barristers, accountants, bookkeepers, trust companies, administration companies, investment advisers or other similar persons carrying on business within the British Virgin Islands;

  〔c〕 it prepares or maintains books and records within the British Virgin Islands;
  〔d〕 it holds, within the British Virgin Islands, meetings of its directors or members;
  〔e〕 it holds a lease of property for use as an office from which to communicate with members or where books and records of the Company are prepared or maintained;
  〔f〕 it holds shares, debt obligations or other securities in a company incorporated under the International Business Companies Ordinance or under the Companies Ordinance; or
  〔g〕 shares, debt obligations or other securities in the Company are owned by any person resident in the British Virgin Islands or by any company incorporated under the International Business Companies Ordinance or under the Companies Ordinance.
  〔4〕 The Company shall have all such powers as are permitted by law for the time being in force in the British Virgin Islands, irrespective of corporate benefit, to perform all acts and engage in all activities necessary or conducive to the conduct, promotion or attainment of the object of the Company.

  〔5〕 The Company shall have all powers to settle its assets or property or any part thereof in trust or transfer the same to any other Company whether for the protection of its assets or not and with respect to the transfer the Director may provide that the Company, its cred


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