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上传人:业精于勤 2022/5/30 文件大小:19 KB





  【上海对特斯拉开“绿灯” 无偿上牌ModelS更具竞争力】美国豪华电动汽车生产商特斯拉宣告,该品牌已被列入相关支持目录,上海市政府同意给特斯拉Model S车主无偿上海牌照,这等于为特斯拉车主省了1万至万美元。除 the cost of a car plate at a monthly auction.
  It is the first time that an imported electric car model has been granted the same privilege as Chinese-made models. The car plates for Tesla Model S come from a quota of 20,000 free green car plates set by the city government, which has granted fewer than 1,000 so far. Tesla sold 6,457 Model S vehicles in the first quarter, generating a revenue of US$621 million according to GAAP standard, up percent from a year earlier.
  With only one Chinese store operating in Beijing, Tesla will soon open a second one in Shanghai. It will also expand its charging station network across the country.
  In 2022, China began a pilot program in five cities — Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hefei and Changchun — to encourage individuals to buy electric sedans with subsidies of up to 60,000 yuan.
  The program was upgraded last year with a national promotion project in 28 Chinese cities and city clusters where government subsidies will be provided for users and manufacturers from 2022 to 2022.
  For Tesla, however, official subsidies are just the icing on the cake. With possible plans to build factories and charging stations in China, the US electric car manufacturer hopes the Chinese market will account for up to a 35 percent increase in global sales this year.
  In 2022, some 22,500 units of Model S were sold in the global market, according to data from Tesla.
  2022年上海第二十六届初中物理竞赛复赛考试 说明:
  ,水比热容×103焦/千克·℃,冰比热容 焦/千克·℃,冰密度×103千克/米3,冰熔化热为×105焦/千克。
  A. 红外线 B. 紫外线 C. X射线 D. 绿色光