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文档介绍:大学音乐鉴赏论文(University Music Appreciation)
Music is an indispensable part of life. Learning to appreciate music is a key pple is Rap music, which Jay Chou is a representative of modern music, but even when people seem so modern music, in his music we can still see the traditional music elements, such as "chrysanthemum Taiwan”, this song at the end of the it is a traditional instrument Hulusi in China Yunnan. Another example of today's young people's favorite songs, "Su San said” and "One Night in Beijing”, is a bold absorption of our traditional art, Beijing Opera in the music elements, welcomed by people.
Returning to tradition is a trend, and our country has a profound cultural background. It is necessary to innovate on the basis of tradition and combine with the elements of modern music. China has "the Western Star" said Mr. Wang Luobin is the traditional music with modern music elements of interpretation of the model, his favourite song, sung by the broad masses of the people.
Four. Music influences people
Music is created by human beings. The natural expression is human emotion, and the appreciation of music is to appreciate the creator, s emotion in the process of appreciating music so as to achieve the harmony between human and music. "Anthem”, China people's heart firmly, indomitable will, composing people with lofty, solemn and sacred, blending into the majestic melod