中图分类号: TU997 文献标识码: A
Abstract: with the development of science and technology in China, people living environment standards in slowly increase, the construction technology of drainage engineering requirements are also rising. Therefore, water supply and drainage engineering from every process design, construction, repair and operation and management should be strictly in accordance withregulations, should anize the construction, the only way to ensure the progress and quality of construction, the drainage works to save space, easy to use, durable fortable effect,. In this paper, in view of the form, a brief discussion on city road to the mainmethods for practical design and construction and cityplanning drainage engineering, combined with the lessons learned from previous projects, looking for the reason ofthe municipal road drainage difficulty, and put forward the improvement measures, to ensure the construction and planning of the city's normal.
Keywords: city road design; planning method; water supply and drainage engineering