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上传人:fangjinyan201701 2022/5/30 文件大小:18 KB





Thanks God, We Have Computer Game Instead
The story of Dr Jekyll is quite famous around theevenson names the bad guy Hyde, , , which sounds like “hide”. I have to say that he is quite a success and very achievable, while just as a doctor or Jeff, not Hyde at all.
However, more bitterness than sweets had he tastes. Each time he recovered to Jeff after doing bad, what a huge guilty he must burden. I still remember in his letter to Utterson, described was a poor man near to break down with much guilty and regrets beyond our thoughts and almost a lunatic.
As a real human with emotions and affections, he is absolutely quite a failure despite of his achievements on science. Represented on the paper is a man full of evil! And I hope this tragedy on science never come true, for it will destroy all we have.
Which led to a dramatic Edwards. Hyde, who served a we11"known drugs, Dr. ?? ?? enjoy power. Jie Qi, Since then becomes a very odd, as if fascinated by the drug, taking it all day long, so that "evil" the other side of Hyde, was also killed Dr. Andrei. When he turned back into Dr. Jie Qi, but desperately Tingzhao Hyde. To know the truth of Dr. Lennon, died due to depression. Jie Qi taking the drugs, have not been able to control the other side of Hyde, lead to a situation out of control lost nature, never become Hyde, the change can not come back, and