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文档介绍:This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020
摘 要
我国煤矿井下辅助运输状l work of fixed asset investment activities, the feasibility study concluded that an important basis for investment decisions. The fundamental purpose of the feasibility study is to project decision-making more scientific and democratic, to reduce or avoid the mistakes of the investment decision-making, and improve the economic, social and environmental benefits of the investment projects. The feasibility study report should try to avoid the interference of the project investors and external factors, and follow the principles of science, objectivity and fairness
The design of the main financial analysis and evaluation of coal mine explosion proof diesel engine trackless car key components of project investment. In determining the investment in fixed assets, current assets and current liabilities, liquidity calculated in accordance with the relevant norms, calculate the total investment and need financing, depreciation of fixed assets and intangible assets and deferred assets amortization, the total cost, calculate the taxes and sales income, profit and loss statement, cash flow data and the pre-tax and after the financial internal rate of return and the financial net present value, payback period, and finally calculate the debt ratio, current ratio and quick ratio.
Key words: Analysis and evaluation; financial net present value; payback period; debt ratio, liquidity and quick ratio.
目 录
前 言 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
第一章 课题背景及研究意义 7
课题的背景 7
课题研究的意义 7
课题研究的主要内容 8
第二章 建设项目经济评价与方法介绍 9
建设项目投入与产出分析 9
投资与成本费用 9
销售收入与利润 10
税金 11
建设项目财务分析与国民经济评价 11
基本准则 11
财务分析 12
国民经济评价 15
第三章 项目经济评价实务 18
项目概况 18
项目名称 18
项目技术进展 18
进度安排 18
项目固定资产投资概况 18
相关计算参数 19
设计任务 19
方法介绍 19
项目投融资分析 19
项目投资分析 20
项目融资分析 20
项目经济效益分析 21
项目产品生产成本 21
项目产品定价 21
项目产品生产的规模及经济效益 22
项目执行期内项目产品实现的经济效益预测 22
项目投资静态分析 22
项目社会效益分析 2


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