文档介绍:说明文阅读一. 说明方法 1. 举例子:具体形象 2. 打比方:生动形象 3. 作比较:突出强调 4. 分类别:条理清晰 5. 列数字:具体准确 6. 下定义:科学准确 7. 引用:更具体二. 说明语言 1 准确性 2 平实和生动记叙文阅读一. 修辞方法 1. 比喻: 生动形象 2. 拟人: 形象生动 3. 夸张: 突出特征 4. 排比: 加强语气 5. 反问: 态度鲜明,增强语气二. 表达方式 1. 记叙 2. 议论 3. 抒情 4. 描写 5. 说明小说阅读环境描写: 1. 渲染气氛 2. 烘托情感 3. 表现任务性格或主题 4. 推动情节发展议论文阅读论证方法 1 举例论证:具体有力 2. 道理论证:具有权威性 3. 比喻论证:生动形象 4. 对比论证:全面深刻句子作用是:(1) 总领全文【在开头】(2) 承上启下(3) 引出下文(4) 提纲挈领【在最后】例如:表现手法(托物言志写景抒情叙事抒情直抒胸臆顺叙倒叙插叙对比衬托卒章显志象征用典想象联想照应寓情于景反衬烘托托物起兴渲染虚实结合侧面描写正面描写直接抒情间接抒情等) ; 【不同文体的表现手法】抒情散文的表现手法丰富多彩,借景抒情、托物言志、抑扬结合、象征等手法; 记叙文的写作手法如首尾照应、画龙点睛、巧用修辞、详略得当、叙议结合、正侧相映等; 议论文写作手法如引经据典、巧譬善喻、逆向求异、正反对比、类比推理等; 小说的描写手法、烘托手法、伏笔和照应、悬念和释念、实写与虚写等。 Inthe depths ofmymemory, many things Idid with myfather still live. These e torepresent, infact, what Icall __21__and love. Idon ’tremember myfather ever getting into aswimming tool. But hedid __22__the water. Any kind of__23__ride seemed togive him pleasure. __24__he loved tofish; sometimes hetook mealong. But Inever really liked being onthe water, the way myfather did. Iliked being __25__the water, moving through it, __26__it all around me. Iwas not astrong __27__, orone who learned toswim early, for Ihad my__28__. But Iloved being inthe swimming pool close tomyfather ’s office and __29__those summer days with myfather, who e byon abreak. Ineeded him tosee what Icould do. Myfather would stand there inhis suit, the __31__person not inswimsuit. After swimming,