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上传人:utuhlwwue61571 2017/4/20 文件大小:891 KB




文档介绍:日常英语句子积累 When I think about it, it makes my mouth water. 想到它我都会流口水。 Not driving but driven in such a world . 人在江湖身不由己。 Watch out for cars when you cross the street . 过街时要注意来往车辆。 He is fond of nosing about for grapevine news . 他爱打听小道消息。 He kissed off the objections from others. 他对别人的反应置之不理。 I knocked around in Tianjin this holiday. 这个假期我去天津逛了逛。 I get fed up with anyone who brags all the time. 我讨厌总是自吹自擂的人。 What is to e of me if you go away? 要是你走了,我怎么办啊? He considered the relative merits of the 2company. 他权衡这两个公司的优劣。 His desk is cluttered up with books and papers. 他桌上堆满了书和报纸。 That ’sa long shot. 这件事成功的希望不大。 My throat hurts me these days. 这几天我嗓子疼。 People have dirty looks on their faces. 人们的脸很臭。 We have deliberated on your proposal. 我们已经仔细考虑过你的建议。 He knew zip about running pany. 他对营运公司一无所知。 Cast aside all illusions and go into the battle. 丢掉幻想,投入战斗。 My grandfather is getting on for 80. 我爷爷快要 80 岁了。 We ’ ve laid ina good supply of food for the winter. 我们存了足够的食物过冬。 I find salesmanship is beyond my reach. 我发现我搞不了推销。 Aren ’t you tempting fate? 你这不是在玩命吗? This watch goes with my job. 这块表是我工作单位发的。 He said he was busy, which was true. 他说他很忙,这是真的。 The piano is out of tune. 这架钢琴跑调了。 I can ’t get rid of my cold. 我的感冒总不好。 What ’s kind of utilities are included ?(房租里)都包含了些什么费用? I am running the bath water. 我正在放洗澡水。 He is vacillating between leaving and staying on. 他在去留之间犹豫不决。 I’m plaining, only