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上传人:森森 2022/6/1 文件大小:31 KB





暑假,我天天盼你来。暑假,你是开心的源头。如何写一篇暑假生活的英语作文呢?下面是我给大家精心挑选的暑假假期生活英语作文,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! pirit of ideas to solve the problem, after be brought up with my intelligence to use my knowledge of the construction of our country more powerful.
I am very happy this summer, I hope the ne*t happy summer vacation will come early.
During the summer vacation, I returned to my grandmothers house in jiujiang, where the weather was very hot, but it was very colorful.
Catch lobster
In front of grandmas house, a hill is running around the hill all the year round. When I came to the river, I dumped my sandals and soaked my feet in the river. The stream kissed my little feet, and there was a feeling of a long time. Soon I saw a lobster. Though it has two strong claws, it is hard to fail my clever brain. So I found two small pieces of wood on the river bank and stuck them in the lobster claw. Then he carefully picked the lobster out of the water and was very worried about it slipping into the water. As soon as I got to the shore, I hurriedly tied it up with the rope of my hand!
Catch mosquitoes

Because grandma had so many mosquitoes in the evening, I made an mosquito house. Some didnt finish the fish is put inside, intentionally cover with a hole in a bowl, mosquitoes would fly into food, eat a mouth


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