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文档介绍:价格最低,课时最长,师资最强,最专业的学位英语网站成人高等教育学士学位外语水平考试模拟试题(九) 英语试卷一 Part I pletion ( 15 points ) D irections : There are 15 short plete dialogues in this part, each followed by4 choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the best one plete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1. Tom :I’m sorry I’ ve kept you waiting. Bill : ______________ A. It’s my pleasure. B. That ’s all right. don ’t mind D. Thank you. Please do. 2. Doctor : Well, what seems to be the problem ? Patient : _____________. I couldn ’t even sleep well. A:I’ ve got a bad toothache B. Nothing serious C. Thanks for your concern D. The problem is really bad 3. John : Let ’s go for an outing on Saturday, shall we? Jane : __________. A. With pleasure B. Let ’s go C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, we shall 4. Jill :I have enjoyed talking with you. Terry : ____________ A. Me, too. Good bye. B. Then we can talk later. C. Next time we can talk more. D. Thank you for your time. 5. May : (On the phone) May I speak to Dick, please? Dick : ______________ A. Who are you? B. Yes, you may. C. Yes, my name ’s Dick D. Speaking. 6. Sue :I’m getting married this fall. 价格最低,课时最长,师资最强,最专业的学位英语网站 Judy : ____________ A. Oh, what a surprise! Who is the lucky boy? B. How can it be so soon? Do you know him? C. Gee, that ’s wonderful. Congratulations. D. You ’ ll be happy then. Best wishes. 7. Jim : Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? Jill : _______________ ’m afraid I can ’ ’m feeling sick. B. Thank you just the same. C. Good. But where is the ticket? D. You shouldn ’t have told me that. 8. Customs officer : Do you have anything to declare, sir? Visitor to the .: ___________ A. It’s none of your business. have nothing to declare, Madam. C. May I ask to see your boss about that? D. Nothing in particular. 9. Shop assistant : Good morning. Can I help you? Customer : __________ A. Sorry you can ’ t. B. How can you help me? C. Yes, I’d like a pair of gloves. D. Oh, thank you for y