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上传人:蓝天 2022/6/3 文件大小:85 KB




文档介绍:新入职员工工作总结范文(The new employees work summary.)
New employee training summary.
Time flies, graduated nearly a year, this initiative and social contact person.
Life occupation planning, remember just work in our training, the general manager of the company to introduce the development of Chuan' an, especially puts forward the road to success, "said the grass-roots level will experience learning skills, master the theory and practice of technology and management, control and management of the sublimation of operating skills, the theory of transfer, practice, three years of hard work.” General pointed out that in the Chuan' an occupation development, new employees, the leader at the helm, as the saying goes, do not want the general is not a good soldier. Of course, just a social young people want to have a good future, want to do at the helm, but after all, is one of the few, most choose the occupation in different ways. My occupation planning is not too long, nor too make a long-term plan, the current form and situation, learn skills, experience will, theory and practice, grasp the management, practical exercise a few years to hone, truly enrich themselves, armed themselves for the future to do the basic work.
Life practice and cultivation of party spirit, left school, left the parents, truly independent life, no parents, classmates and teachers care, social experience, social p


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