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Good morning The fourth period说课稿——获奖说课稿.doc

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Good morning The fourth period说课稿——获奖说课稿.doc

上传人:dugusiyu 2017/4/23 文件大小:58 KB


Good morning The fourth period说课稿——获奖说课稿.doc


文档介绍:Good morning The fourth period 说课稿一、教学内容练****page 4-5 a、b、c 二、教学目标进一步巩固本单元的单词和句型。三、教学重难点进一步巩固本单元的单词和句型,能简单运用到会话中。四、教学过程 a. greeting (the teacher stands at the door and greets the students as e in the door.) t: hello. hi. (the teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.) t: hello. ss: hello. b. free talk: t: class begings. s1: stand up. t: hello, boys and girls. ss: hello, miss han. (the teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.) t: hello. s1: hello. t:i’m… s1: i’m… t: good morning ,… s1: good morning ,…开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。 c、 practise (1) 活动 1: listen and judge. 教师先向学生解释清楚题目的做法, 并启发学生辨认图中的太阳方位. —— good morning , helen