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文档介绍:日常生活禁忌(Taboos in daily life)
get up first
The human body itself is also a source of pollution.
During a night's sleep hypoxia and lack of nutrition in the brain,
Affect the metabolism of brain cells.
Often satiety, but also lead to gallstones, cholecystitis, diabetes and other diseases,
To shorten the life of prematurely senile.
eat sweets on an empty stomach
There is a growing body of evidence that the longer it takes to eat sweets on an empty stomach,
The extent of damage to various proteins is increased.
Because proteins are the basis of life activities,
Therefore, the long-term fasting candy, will affect the body's normal functions,
Weaken the human body and shorten the life span.
eat too salty food
Sodium is trapped in the body and can cause or exacerbate high blood pressure and heart disease.
A beard has the ability to absorb harmful substances.
When inhaled, harmful substances that are absorbed on the beard may be inhaled into the respiratory tract.
A quantitative analysis of inhaled air components was made for bearded people,
It is found that air intake contains dozens of harmful substances,
They include phenols, toluene, acetone, isoamyl, and many other carcinogens,
Inhaled air pollution index for bearded people,
4. 2 times as common air.
If the chin with a beard and moustache,
Its pollution index can be as high as 7. 2 times.
In addition


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