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Nontrivial To... Oscillations 韩李雪松.pdf

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Nontrivial To... Oscillations 韩李雪松.pdf

上传人:好用的文档 2022/6/4 文件大小:2.85 MB


Nontrivial To... Oscillations 韩李雪松.pdf



文档介绍:Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 067101 (2022)
Nontrivial Topological States in BaSn5 Superconductor Probe
small gaps below and above the Fermi level of about eV and eV, respectively. The SOC also results in
a pair of Dirac points along the Γ –A direction, located at ∼ eV above the Fermi level. The analysis of the
dHvA quantum oscillations supports the calculations by revealing a nontrivial Berry phase originating from the
hole and electron pockets related to the bands forming the Dirac cones. Thus, our study provides an excellent
avenue for investigating the interplay between superconductivity and nontrivial topological states.
DOI: -307X/39/6/067101
The Majorana zero mode, which has been con- perconductivity. Among them, is most
ceived to host potential applications for decoherence intensively studied. It hosts both topological insula-
topological quantum computation due to its non- tor (TI) and Dirac semimetal (DSM) states, with the
Abelian statistics characteristic, generally oc- latter slightly above the Fermi level (EF). However,
curs at topological defects such as vortices, bound- compared with the heterostructures and doped super-
aries, domain walls, or edges of some effectively conductors, intrinsic TSCs are preferable for study


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