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文档介绍:16th Asian Games
The emblem symbolizes that the burning flames of the Asian Games will never die out. It is a sym16th Asian Games
The emblem symbolizes that the burning flames of the Asian Games will never die out. It is a symbol of the host city, and expresses the best wishes of the Guangzhou people and the innovations of this big sporting event
"Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia”, is a dream and a promise, that the Games will uphold the spirit of the Olympics and the Asian Games – which is to promote unity, friendship and further exchanges between different countries and regions
"Le Yangyang" is name of the leader of our five Goats and the name which refers to all of the 16th Asian Games Mascots, each of them sporty and cute, and each serving as an Official Mascot.
The Guangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee unveiled the Games Official "Mascots in Motion", dynamic cartoon illustrations of the Asian Games' sports and disciplines with sporting images of the 5 Yang (羊, legendary/celestial goat).
Remarks by OCA President at Closing Ceremony of 2010 Asiad
The 16th Asian Games were unprecedented in both size and scale in the 59-year history of the quadrennial event. More than 10,000 athletes from 45 countries and regions have participated in a record 42 sports ranging from Archery to Chess.
"The city of Guangzhou has done a very great job for the Asian Olympic Movement and for the Asian Olympic family. It was one of the best ever in the history of Asian Olympic Movement."
The 16th Asian Games was a huge success the, OCA(Olympic Council of Asia 亚洲奥林匹克理事会 ) president noted. He paid tribute to over 60,000 volunteers. He said the Asian Games could not function without them, without their enthusiasm, their dedication and their friendly smile. From the bottom of his heart, he saluted them and thank them on behalf of the Olympic Family in Asia.
Floats and lights decorate Pearl River at Closing Ceremony
Boat parade


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