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文档介绍:烙铁焊接的使用方法(Method for soldering iron)
Common tools use tutorial, electric soldering iron basic use skills and tutorials
ioning is the tin suctioner, for beginners is very practical, the first use of the electric iron is easy to solder everywhere, then tin suctioner can help you get on the circuit board to dispose of excess solder. In addition, tin suctioner in the demolition of multi pin integrated circuit device works quite useful, it can absorb all the solder joints, can skillfully use the iron man is totally unnecessary, iron can replace the function completely, remove the solder melt can easily be element.
Before welding, the welding of component pins or circuit boards shall be carried out before welding.
Remove the oxide layer of the welding part - a knife can be made of the saw blade, and the oxide layer on the surface of the metal lead is removed so that the pin is exposed to metallic luster. The printed circuit board by spinning paper after polished copper foil, coated with a layer of rosin alcohol solution.
Tin plated tin plated on a scraped lead. After the wire is dipped in the rosin solution, the hot iron tip with tin is pressed on the lead and the lead is turned. A thin layer of tin can be uniformly plated on the leads. Before the wire is welded, the insulating skin should be stripped off, and then treated by the above two items before welding. If multiple strand


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