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文档介绍:cad 快速使用的方法(Method for quick use of CAD)
.txt CAD rapid method used you can not make everyone satisfied, because not al improve the drawing efficiency. Here are only a few examples of the more typical.
generate a straight line or line segment
in AutoCAD, using LINE, XLINE, RAY, PLINE, and MLINE commands can generate straight lines or line segments, but only the LINE command uses the highest frequency and is the most flexible.
in order to ensure the relation between the three views of the object "long, right, wide and equal”, "Gaoping Qi”, XLINE and RAY commands should be drawn to draw a number of auxiliary lines, and then cut off the excess parts with TRIM.
if you want to quickly generate a closed filling boundary, or you want to construct a face field, you should select the PLINE command. The line segments generated with PLINE can be edited using the PEDIT command.
when you generate multiple parallel lines and each segment may use different colors and lines, you can choose the MLINE command.
annotated text
when using text annotations, if the text in the annotation is in the same format and the annotation is short, select the TEXT (DTEXT) command.
you should use the MTEXT command when you need to write large text, and the text in the paragraph may have different formats, such as font, word height, color, special symbol, and molecular formula.
copy graphics or features


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