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文档介绍:1 双方保密协议, 英文篇一:中英文保密协议范本 MUTUAL NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT 保密协议 This Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (this “ Agreement ”) entered into this ___________ by and between (Hereinafter referred to as pany) And a pany, (Hereinafter referred to as the Participant). Company and Participant are each a disclosing Party (Discloser) and a receiving Party (Recipient) under this Agreement, and collectively the “ Parties ”. 本保密协议( 以下通称本“协议”)由 Name , 一家公司, 地址为: Address( 以下通称“公司”)与 Name , 一家中国公司,地址为:( 以下通称“参与者”)于年月日签订。公司与参与者互为本协议下的披露方与接受方,以下通称协议双方。 WITNESSETH 兹证明: WHEREAS each pany and the Participant possess 2 certain proprietary valuable and confidential information and technology; and 鉴于,公司与参与者均拥有某些专有的、有经济价值且秘密的信息和技术; WHEREAS the Parties desire to enter into discussions for the purpose of evaluating the possibility of cooperation in China and for such other purposes as the Parties may agree in writing 鉴于,协议双方为探求在中国境内合作的可能性以及协议双方书面同意的其他目的拟进行商谈; WHEREAS in order to determine their interest in entering into such a business transaction, the Parties wish to exchange or to provide one another with access to their respective “ Confidential Information ”(as defined below), without undermining its confidential nature and economic value; 鉴于,为确定各自在合作交易中的利益,在不破坏其机密性和经济价值的前提下, 协议双方愿意相互交换或向对方提供各自拥有的保密信息(定义见下文); NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual undertakings and promises herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 3 因此,基于如下相互的保证和承诺,协议双方达成如下条款: 1. The term Confidential Information means any and all information and know-how ofa proprietary, private, secret or confidential nature, in whatever form, that relates to the business, financial condition, technology and/or products of the Discloser, its customers, potential customers, suppliers or potential suppliers, provided or disclosed to the Recipient by the Discloser, or any on its behalf, or which otherwis e es known to the Recipient, whether or not marked or otherwise designated as“ confidential ”,“ proprietary ” or with any


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