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文档介绍:1 外研社高中英语必修 5听力篇一:外研社版高中英语必修三听力原文外研社版高中英语必修三 Module 1 听力原文 Carlos: Hello, my name is Carlos and I'm from Spain. Helen: Hi, Carlos. I'm Helen. Amy: And my name is Amy. Pleased to meet you. Carlos: Are you English? Helen: No! Neither of us is English. Amy: Helen's from Scotland and I'm from Wales. Carlos: Really? So, Helen, where do you live in Scotland? Helen: In Edinburgh. Carlos: Edinburgh. Nice, that's the capital of Scotland, isn't it? Helen: Yes, it is. Carlos: And Amy, you're from Wales. Amy: That's right. 2 Carlos: That's west of England, isn't it? Amy: Yes, it is. It's a separate country and it's to the west of England. Carlos: And where in Wales do you live? Amy: Well, my family lives in Cardiff. Carlos: Cardiff? I've never heard of Cardiff. Is ita big city? Amy: Yes, it is! It's the capital! Carlos: Oh, I'm so sorry! Amy: That's all right. Carlos: There are so many capital cities in the United Kingdom. Helen: Yes, Scotland and Wales are separate countries. And each of them has a capital city. Carlos: So what are you doing here in London? Helen: We're students. Carlos: What are you studying? Helen: Languages. Carlos: Which ones? Helen: Well, there are about 60 students in the class, and all of them are studying at least two languages. I'm studying French and Chinese. 3 Amy: And I'm studying German and Russian. Carlos: So neither of you is studying Spanish. Amy: No, sorry. In fact, none of the students in our class is studying Spanish. Carlos: Oh. That's sad. Helen: Where in Spain do you live? Carlos: In Valencia. Amy: Valencia? Whereabouts is that? Carlos: It's on the east coast. It's about 200 kilometres south of Barcelona. Amy: I see. Is ita big city? Carlos: Yes. Quite big. Amy: What's it like? Carlos: It's a wonderful place. And our er team is fantastic. Helen: What kind of work do people do there? Carlos: Well, a lot of them work in tourism. Helen: Really? An