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文档介绍:混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范 ..
Alternative & Complementary Healing Systems/Techniques
Latino/Hispanic alternative and complemen (March 2019), Pub # 526.
English-only Healthcare Providers
In the US, providers tend to be monolingual -- English only.
And/or have insufficient knowledge of Spanish and lack awareness of medically relevant aspects of culture
Latino patient and Anglo provider have communication gap, and different worldviews
Evaluating Effective Communication
Providers should evaluate whether questions or instructions given to LEP patients have been understood
To be polite, some Hispanic/Latino patients will nod “yes” but not really comprehend.
Conceptual equivalence
In translation, conceptual equivalence is more important than linguistic equivalence
Health behavior modification approaches must be culturally appropriate to be effective
Latinos in Columbus: Health gaps
Uninsured Latinos in Columbus report job-related injuries, trauma, diabetes, hypertension, allergies, need for birth control, skin rash and other conditions
Often they can not afford to take time away from work to go to a doctor during the day
Source: State of La Clinica Latina: A First Year Report” Raquel Diaz-Sprague, PharmD MS MLHR, January 29, 2019
Latinos in Columbus: Health Care Gaps
As Latinos are the least paid workers, and the least insured, they can not afford the cost of a primary care medical consultation or to buy the prescriptions they need to control chronic diseases or conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes, and hypertension
Latinos in Columbus: Health gaps
Traumatic injuries sometimes are left unattended resulting in irreparable losses.
., Marcos, a 48 year old Mexican construction worker was opening a door by hammering on a concrete wall on a Tuesday afternoon
Latinos in Columbus: Health gaps
A piece of concrete flew into his right eye. He felt like he was bleeding but no blood was coming from the eye. The pain was acute. His fo


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