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小学英语网权威发布小学英语小故事:可怕的国王,更多小学英语小故事相关信息请访问小学英语网。the terrible king

小学英语网权威发布小学英语小故事:可怕的国王,更多小学英语小故事相关信息请访问小学英语网。the terrible king
a long time ago, there lived a terrible king. the terrible king"s wish was that all the people would shake in fear at the sound of his name. the terrible king made the lives of the people in the neighbor landhorrible. "here! take everything!"
the terrible king viciously took away all the belongings of the neighbor land. he even scared the poor women and children. the king was not even sorry to the children and women. the terrible king bothered the people of the neighbor land worse and worse everyday. the palace became more and more magnificent.
"put up a statue in the church!" now the terrible king was ordering the church to place a statue of himself there. however, the ministers could not do that." your majesty may be great, but god is even greater."
the terrible king was becoming angry. it was because he thought that he was the greatest in the whole world. then the king was angry. "what! he is greater? then i will defeat god."

第 2 页


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