志愿者活动 Volunteer Activity
In recent Olympic Games 。
Without them , it would be a tough task to hold this un-precedent
Olympic Games 。 Therefore , we can say that it was those volunteers
who ensured the success of these games 。
As modern college students , we should get actively involved in
volunteering activities 。 By participating , we can learn how to work
well in a team , how to improve our interpersonal skills and
organizational ability 。 Undoubtedly , all of these are critical for
our person growth 。 So , we should take this chance to learn and to
grow 。 (161words)
志愿服务的利处 The Benefits of Volunteering
Nowadays , an increasing number of people are willing to serve as
volunteers especially the university students in that they consider
that volunteering is not only a great contribution to our society
and those who are in need , but also improves themselves in many
aspects 。
For one thing , there is no doubt that volunteering makes
contribution to our society and people in need 。 The volunteers
provide their assistance without requiring any financial rewards 。 Their contributions have a great impact on harmony society
contribution 。