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文档介绍:本科毕业设计(论文) 模具企业产品数据管理系统开发学院机电工程学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化年级班别学号学生姓名指导教师 2012 年5月摘要产品数据管理不仅影响企业的资金流动,更影响着企业的生产能力和效率,所以它一直受到人们的广泛关注。加强企业产品数据管理,可以提高企业生产效率,降低经营成本,进而提高企业的竞争能力。然而,我国很多生产企业尤其是模具制造企业, 普遍存在着库存控制方法不合理、信息化程度低等问题,产品数据管理问题日益成为制约企业生存和发展的瓶颈。本论文从模具制造企业服务背景出发,在对模具制造企业产品数据管理流程分析的基础上,对模具企业的产品数据管理系统进行开发与设计,试图实现模具企业产品数据管理的信息化,实现企业产品数据的产品管理、客户管理、产品订单管理、产品数据安全保存等各项业务的信息化管理。以辅助产品数据管理的决策,提高产品数据管理的效率,进而为企业提高相关的经济效益。本系统以 Visual Basic 和SQL Serve 2000 为开发平台,软件操作界面友好, 操作简单,可以实现对数据的录入,查询,修改,删除等日常管理操作,可以实现企业产品数据的产品管理、客户管理、产品入库、产品出库和产品数据盘点等各项业务。关键词: 产品数据管理( PDM );系统开发;文档管理;用户权限, VB,SQL 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于教师的企业科研项目。 Abstract 21 century is the century of management science. With the development of knowledge economy and economic globalization, information and knowledge to rapidly increase, the role of knowledge is more and more big, to decide the management science needs more and more is also big in. With the development of scientific technology and the development of productive forces, customer consumption level continuously improve and consumer demand increasingly diverse, mould enterprise products through the implementation of the advanced mold enterprise product data management system (PDM) speed data acquisition, processing and transmission speed, can quickly improve work efficiency and save labor costs. The domestic enterprise implementation of PDM system many difficulties. But close scrutiny are not so difficult to find, in the process of project implementation in PDM, information, logistics, capital operation, no need not with all departments of the close and munication cooperation. Communication is the foundation of management, ina certain sense, the management process munication process. For the large projects PDM project, need more to heart and solidarity, mutual effort. Every link to sincere cooperation, donot have a careless. So in addition to the understanding between staff should be outside, more should through the user's authority to each other, in his own authority in high qualit


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