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上传人:WonderW 2022/6/8 文件大小:70 KB




service in the search for t thoughts of hard struggle and tight day fighting style of , the responsibility of the work is not strong enough.
In the work, not strict requirements of their , the main reason for the e_istence of problemsSome of these problems e_ist, although there are some objective factors, but more important is the subjective factors caused by.
During this time, since the bination of theoretical study, the main problems and deficiencies e_ist on their own also many times to carefully reflect on the causes and hazards, profound analysis of producing these problems from the subjective reasons, summed up in the following aspects:1, the lack of study, raise political Susu is not high.

The Deng _iaoping theory, “Three Represents” important thought of lack of systematic learning, no deep understanding of Scientific Outlook on Development outlook, research is not enough, not enough to practice, to make their own understanding of theoretical knowledge and actual decoupling hook, without a guide the theory of learning, only to learn, to make learning bee formal, dogmatic, and therefore can not accurately grasp the , studying business knowledge is not enough, not deeply aware of the level of low business efficiency and quality play a decisive role, to improve the level of business, need for business, study, and have been in business depended, since he had yet to have a whole set of learning business knowledge plan therefore, in carrying out the work sometimes blindly, lack of self , the method is simple, and only at the surface, within their own copies of what things can be, treatment method is relatively simple, there is no innovation spirit, work style is not solid.......This article from the official member of the house, to view the te_t please use the public servants of the home station to view the body o


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