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S. Thomas Foster, Jr., PhD
from Managing Quality: An Integrative Approach
(Courtesy of Pither quit or retire.
award audits Site visits relating to award programs.
Baldrige-lite Term used to depict states' quality award programs using the same criteria as the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award out with a simplified process or application.
Baldnge-qualified Term used by firms that have been granted a site visit by the judges in the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award competition.
basic events Term used in fault tree analysis. Basic events are initiating faults that do not require events below them to show how they occurred. The symbol used for a basic event is a circle.
basic prototype Non working mock-up of a product that can be reviewed by customers prior to acceptance.
basic seven (B7) tools of quality These are the fundamental methods for gathering and analyzing quality-related data. They are: fishbone diagrams, histograms, Pareto analysis, flowcharts, scatter plots, run charts, and control charts.
bathtub-shaped hazard function Reliability model that shows that products are more likely to fail either very early in their useful life or very late in their useful life.
benchmark An organization that is recognized for its exemplary operational performance in one or more areas and is willing to allow others to view its operations and tour its facilities.
benchmarking The process of finding a company that is superior in a particular area, studying what it does, and gathering ideas for improving your own operation in that area.
best-of-the-best Term used to refer to outstanding world benchmark firms.
best-in-class Term used to refer to firms or organizations that are viewed as the best in an industry on some meaningful criterion.
c chart A chart used to monitor the number of defects in a production process.
capability Likelihood a product will meet specification.
catchball Term used to describe the iterative nature