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一 标出朗读顺序

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
cost$15. C. He spent 5 minutes.
( ) 8) A. She washes dishes after breakfast. B. She watches TV every evening.
C. She has to play badminton after school.
( ) 9) A. We are going bowling tomorrow. B. They are playing football tomorrow.
C. You are learning karate tomorrow.
( ) 10) A. You should wear a hat. B. We should drink some water.
C. They should polish the shoes.
( ) 11) A. I prefer Jazz. B. I like drawing and painting. C. It’s geography.
( ) 12) A. She likes colorful clothes. B. They like cool clothes.
C. They like shopping for clothes.
( ) 13) A. You should sit so close to the screen. B. You should visit the dentist.
C. You should sit down and have a rest.
( ) 14) A. She is talking in English with her classmates.
B. She is working out at the gym. C. She has to look at the manual.
( ) 15) A. We have to do homework. B. She has to wash the dishes every day.
C. She has to write an e-mail to her friend.
( )16) A. She should work more. B. She should take a vacation.
C. She should take some medicine.
( )17) A. You should get a haircut. B. You should let it grow.
C. I have to have my hair cut.
( )18) A. You sho