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Section A
1. 依据句意及首字母提示完成单词
1. Can you go to the p_________ office to send a letter for me?
Section A
1. 依据句意及首字母提示完成单词
1. Can you go to the p_________ office to send a letter for me?
2. Tom is ill in h_________.
3. Let’s go to the r__________ and eat some food.
4. We often buy a lot of things in the s__________ on Sundays.
5. You should put the money in the b_______.
2. 从括号中选择恰当的介词填空
(between, to, from, on, of)
1. The library is across _______ my home.
2. Tuesday is ________ Monday and Wednesday.
3. Is the hospital next _______ the park or far ________ it?
4. The restaurant is ________ the other side of the street.
5. The supermarket is in front ________ the school.
3. 单项选择
1. Can you swim _______ the river?( )
A. near
B. between
C. from
D. across
, where is the park?( )
A. Hi
B. Hello
C. Excuse me
D. Excuse
hotel is ______ the bank.( )
A. across
B. from
C. across form
D. next
______ a big fam


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