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Ancient Chinese Women's Concept of Love and Romance
Since the ancient times, Love 古代女子爱情观
Ancient Chinese Women's Concept of Love and Romance
Since the ancient times, Love is a constant topic of human. Although lived in the feudal society, ancient woman also had the persistent pursuit for love. In classical poetry of our country ,many emotional women are full of expectation for love and express bold pursuit for love .Besides , they pursued simple love .Ancient women thank the material enjoy was not important, and they paid more attention to the spirit of the fit which is different from the modern women. Because of the feudal society , the great majority of the women couldn’t receive what they want ,they suffered of the lovesickness even under the abandoned from the pain .
for love
One article of The Book of Odes described young girls were full of the unlimited desire for love. Poem portrays a girl in the late spring sees a mature plum landing on the ground ,then thinking of the years in a hurry ,youth is fleeting but herself is not married . So the falling plum suggests the girl has the treasure of youth and the desire for love gently. Besides, one article of The Book of Odes portrays the girls sing to the young man across the river “If you want to get m e , just come , If you do not want to


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