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Beowulf:Beowulf was the main character in Chaucer's long historic was no doubt a hero in people'rer,he was Antonio coudn't pay his debt on time,he refused the tenfold repayment just want a pound of Antonio's flesh as the contrast was a reflection of his was a were suppressed at that Shylock had a chance to fight back,he was was complex character who was greed but also sad.
Macbeth:He was a ambitious person who became from a heroic general to a cruel was a typical tragedy in Shakespear's made several military was defeated by rumor and temptation from a witch's killed the empire and replaced his order to strengthen his potion,he became more cruel and killed many he was also in a sad 's tragedy is not only tragedy of disposition,but also of society.
Julius Caesar:An outstanding Roman was also a strategist and a refused to be the empire three fact ,he was a was a product of that achievement and position by other died of was a tragedy of an era.
King Lear:He was arbitrary and was an opinionated king who was fond of sweet words,His vanity let him drive his little daughter just b