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文档介绍:2 0 2 1 年 12 月 农业机械学报 第 52 卷 第 12 期
doi:) technology and the design was verified through
experiments, and the unreasonable areas were optimized for simulation . The results showed that
temperature was positively correlated with PM] and PM: 5 (P <) ; humidity was negatively correlated
with particulate matter; TSP concentration was mainly affected by chicken activity. The simulated
temperature values were generally large relative to the measured values, with a relative error range of
1. 23% to 8. 88% ; while the simulated relative humidity values were generally small relative to the
measured values, with a relative error range of 5. 11 % to 14. 00% . The simulated values of particulate
matter concentration were small compared with the measured values, which verified the accuracy of the
model. By optimizing the angle between the deflector and the wall, the angle was increased to 67. 5°.
After optimization, the airflow uniformity in the house was obviously enhanced, and the airflow
distribution was more reasonable , and the concentration of PM1 in the house was decreased by 17. 4% ,
and that of PM: 5 was decreased by 15. 9% , PM^ was decreased by 18. 1% and TSP was decreased by
21. 6% , which was more


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