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上传人:慢慢老师 2022/6/10 文件大小:384 KB




文档介绍:为进一步强化公司安全生产、文明施工管理,切实落实安全生产责任,防止重大安全事故发生,保障企业和员工的生命和财产安全manufacturers drawings bolt fastened in the cylinder and outer ier, partitions and lower installation check the sealing ring of the seal and springs, which shall conform to the technical requirements manufacturers drawings. Cylinder gasket on the mounting brackets supporting the Group assembled, the lugs shall be no Burr on the surface, and other debris. Department suite in place to measure surface and inner cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. lower bearing and thrust bearing installation clean bearing and bearing, thrust bearing joints, clean them with a thin layer of turbine oil, and then lifting it to bits. high and middle pressure cylinder over it to the end (for high pressure rotor and low pressure change flange gasket without connection unit) rotors and rotor flange gasket connection and there is no connection, so the rotor in place cases, rotors in place must be high and middle pressure cylinder together with the Chamber over it to the end. Jack in the box that are installed on a push-pull device of adjusting the high and medium pressure cylinder to end over and around to set up indicators to monitor data, general data about the difference must not exceed . To prevent cylinder about out of sync over the situation, take the following measu


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