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上传人:小博士 2022/6/11 文件大小:84 KB




文档介绍:计算机导论论文(Introduction to computers)
The introduction of a computer,
As everyone knows, now the society is an informatioal talents in the knowledge and ability requirements:
From the general development trend of view, by the end of 2005, workers in China's information industry practitioners accounted for 60%, engineering and technical personnel and management personnel proportion is low. The software industry in 2002, for example, the software R & D personnel accounted for 26. 52% of the group of industry professionals, while the average proportion of Europe and other developed countries in more than 30%. In view of this, the electronic information industry in China is still just a little bit worse.
1) computer application talents need every year will increase by about 1 million, is closely related to eight kinds of talents needed in China high-tech talent, information technology talent, talent, mechanical and electrical integration of agricultural science and technology talent of the four class and computer application. Or in the software industry as an example: the current software industry talent structure is olive contradiction: lack of system analyst and project design engineer at high levels, and the lack of development in the first in the basic programmer.
software: the most popular of the three talents of software engineering, game design, network security:


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