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文档介绍:Add your text here and write down your opninon thank you add your text here
Using the tube of BAdd your text here and write down your opninon thank you add your text here
Using the tube of Beyma glue supplied, apply a bead of glue on frame surfaces where suspension and surround will mount, and also over the spider and surround. Wait for 3 minutes.
Insert the plastic spacer into the new voice coil assembly, allowing overhang 10-12 mm below bottom of voice coil. Slide spacer tube over the pole piece and down into gap, making sure tinsel leads on assembly are aligned properly with terminals on frame. Carefully guide voice coil assembly down spacer onto frame and into proper position.
Take a small rag dipped in MEK and use it to press down on spider where it joins the frame. Work back and forth to even out spider and secure bond on frame. Repeat for surround, working out bumps.
Spread white glue over the surround using a brush, be careful not to put white glue over the gasket bed. Lay a bead of glue from the Beyma tube on gasket area. Wait for 5 minutes and place gasket segments on frame in proper position. The white glue can be put at the end of the repair (easier, but takes longer time)
Lay a bead of glue from the Beyma tube on gasket area. Wait for 5 minutes and place gasket segments on frame in proper position.
Rotate down the device and allow glue 7-8 hours to dry
Use tweezers to guide tinsel leads through solder lugs. Allow enough slack for full cone excursion, but do not allow leads to touch. Solder leads to terminals and trim excess.


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