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上传人:fangjinyan2017001 2022/6/11 文件大小:428 KB




文档介绍:2 02 0年 考 研 《英语》试题及答案(卷八)
H abits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our
brains on auts occurs when a challenge is so far beyond current experience
as to be overwhelming. It's that stretch zone in the middle —— activities
that feel a bit awkward and unfamiliar 一 where true change occurs.
Getting into the stretch zone is good for you, according to Ms. Ryan.
It helps keep your brain healthy. It turns out that unless we continue to
learn new things, which challenges our brains to create new pathways,
they literally begin to weaken, which may result in brain diseases. She
recommends practicing a technique called kaizen, which calls for tiny,
continuous improvements.
5 That can be fatal in business,
particularly for executives who surround themselves with like-thinkers. If
seniority and promotion are based on similarity to those at the top,
chances are strong that the company lacks intellectual diversity.
[A] This is where developing new habits comes in. If you're an
analytical or procedural thinker; you learn in different ways thansomeone who is inherently innovative or collaborative.
[B] Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of
habit, we can instead direct our own change by consciously developing
new habits. In fact, th