文档介绍:毕业设计( 论文) 任务书Ⅰ、毕业设计(论文)题目校园局域网规划设计Ⅱ、毕业设计(论文)选题意义及要求Ⅲ、毕业设计(论文)工作内容和进度安排Ⅳ、主要参考资料教学系专业班学生姓名(学号) 毕业设计(论文)时间:自年月日至年月日答辩时间: 年月日成绩指导教师: 摘要 I 摘要随着网络技术的发展,校园网的建设已经进入到一个蓬勃发展的阶段。校园网的建成和使用,对于提高教学和科研的质量、改善教学和科研条件、加快学校的信息化进程,开展多媒体教学与研究以及使教学多出人才、科研多出成果有着十分重要而深远的意义。各高校及其中小学都在筹备建设校园网,希望通过校园网的建设,改善办学条件,提高教学、科研和管理水平。校园网的建设对于学校来说是一项大的工程,必须精心设计、精心施工,做到经济适用,技术先进、开放性能良好、投资强度合理、能长期、稳定运行的高性能的校园网络。本文为一所培训学校的校园网工程,范围主要为包括办公楼、图书室、住宿楼及实验楼在内的局域网部分。根据校园的整体的网络架构,使这复杂的网络高速、安全地通信,对复杂网络应用的一体化解决方案。本文是通过对校园的里面的路由器和交换机进行正确的配置, 通过使用一些规则配置, 使校园的网络可以实现资源共享和相互通信. 利用 vlan 技术来优化校园里的网络,限制广播域, 增强局域网内的安全性,再用 vtp 来更好的辅助 vla n 性能的良好发挥,利用 nat 技术把校园里面的私用 IP地址转化成公网上的 IP ,使得内部网络可以正常访问互联网,通过使用 vlan,nat,vtp 等技术对路由器和交换机进行配置,使校园网络各种计算机、服务器连接起来,并通过一定接口连接到广域网, 实现校园网络、相互通信和资源共享。关键词: 路由器局域网交换机北京信息职业技术学院毕业论文 II Abstract With the development work technology, work construction has entered a stage of vigorous development. The building of work and use, to improve the teaching and scientific research, improve the quality of teaching and scientific research condition, accelerate the school in the process of informatization, develop the multimedia teaching and research and make the teaching more scientific research personnel, many results have very important and far-reaching significance. All colleges and schools are in the preparations for the construction of the work, hope that through the construction of the work, improving conditions for running schools, improve teaching, research and management level. The construction of the work for schools isa big project, must be carefully designed, carefully construction, so affordable, technologically advanced, open good performance, reasonable investment strength, long-term, stable operation and high performance of the work. This isa training school of the work engineering, scope of the main office building, the library, including the modation building and laboratory building, the work segment. According to the work architecture, work of high-speed, munication, work application integration