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文档介绍:The Reading Report of The Lord of The Ring
The lord of rings was written by John Tolkien in 1955. He made up a mysticalThe Reading Report of The Lord of The Ring
The lord of rings was written by John Tolkien in 1955. He made up a mystical world called Middle Earth. And the start of the story, is not a person, but an object, a ring. The ring allows one to control a host of other rings handed down to the different peoples of Middle Earth: three rings belong to the immortal elves; seven to the dwarfs; and nine rings to mortal humans. The ring that rules all the others, forged using the fires of Mount Doom by the evil Wizard Sauron, gives its holder so much power that it corrupts all those who seek to wear it, even the purest. Of course, there are some peoples that are more pure than others. Humans generally seem incapable of wearing it without being corrupted by its influence. But there exists a diminutive people, the Hobbits, who do seem at least capable of carrying it without being polluted too much. So the fate had come to a Hobbit- Frodo, who had to carry this Ring deep into the shadows of Mordor and unmake it in the place precisely it was made. If this Ring exists, the world may fall in the Power of the Dark Lord. So Frodo, with his gardener Sam, started an amazing journey towards the hope.
Although it is a story of saving the world, the Lord of the rings does not delibera


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