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上传人:森森 2022/6/13 文件大小:29 KB




This summer, our whole family went to the known as vacation

This summer, our whole family went to the known as vacation paradise the laudatory name of hainan, in there, I saw the beautiful beach, and I still enjoy swimming. After that, we also conceded to the hangzhou west lake, although it is summer, but the paradise on earth is so attractive. This summer vacation tour really such a wonderful time, let me very unforgettable, I look forward to the next trip!
It was a sunny day today,when I got up in the morning,I decided to see my I took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.
In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and I was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.
In a word,today is a unforgetive I saw my relatives helped people.
My families plan to visit the interesting place p of are led to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower ,a famous tourist attraction,which is on every Shanghainese's is a magnificent building located in Pudong New Area,it is the tallest building,so it's very eas


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