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售后服务承诺 - 售后服务保障措施.doc

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售后服务承诺 - 售后服务保障措施.doc


文档介绍:南京工程学院本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 基于 ANSYS 的车身结构强度及刚度分析专业: 车辆工程(汽车技术) 班级: 汽车技术 091 学号: 21509 0105 学生姓名: 周文军指导教师: 陈茹雯副教授起迄日期: ~ . 3 设计地点: 车辆工程实验中心南京工程学院本科毕业设计(论文) I Graduation Design (Thesis) Analysis on The Stiffness and Strength of Body Structure Based on ANSYS By ZHOU Wenjun Supervised by Associate Prof. CHEN Ruwen Nanjing Institute of Technology June, 2013 南京工程学院本科毕业设计(论文) II 摘要以有限元法为基础的车身结构分析已成为一种面向车身结构设计全过程的分析方法,车身结构设计的过程也随之成为一种设计与分析并行的过程。车身作为车辆的重要组成部分,对整车的安全性、动力性、经济性、舒适性及操控性有着重要的影响。在设计车身时,应用有限元法对汽车车身骨架进行静、动态特性的分析,对其结构的强度和刚度进行评价,对于进一步了解车身结构的应力和变形情况,充分认识掌握车身结构分析方法,进而对整个车身结构设计进行优化,提高整车性能,缩短产品开发周期,降低开发成本,均具有重要的意义。本课题是采用有限元分析法对 2046 车身骨架结构作适当简化,在 ANSYS 中建立其有限元模型,并按照实际载荷对车身进行了静力学分析,校验其强度和刚度,根据分析结果找出车身骨架结构的危险断面。同时对车身骨架进行动态分析, 并提取前十阶模态,得到了车身固有频率及相应的振型。最后根据静、动态的分析结果, 对车身结构提出改进意见。关键词: 车身;有限元法;静力分析;动态分析南京工程学院本科毕业设计(论文) III ABSTRACT The structure analysis of car body based on the FEM is the fundamental approach in the process ofc arbody design - oriented . Also , the whole process of car body design es parallel in design and analysis . As a very important part of the vehicle ,the body has important influences on the vehicle's safety, power performance, economy, comfort and the design of the body, the application of FEM for analysis of static, dynamic characteristics of the car body skeleton, and the evaluation of its structure strength and stiffness,have vital significances on the further understanding of the structure of the body stress and deformation, fully understanding the body structure analysis method, and then the whole body structure design optimization, improving vehicle performance, shorting the product development cycle, and reducing the cost of development. This paper is applying the FEM to simplify the 2046 body frame structure the finite element model is established in ANSYS. And in accordance with the actual load, the static analysis of the body is finished to check the strength and ,according to the risk a