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文档介绍:金黄膏硫酸镁(Magnesium Sulfate)
Jinhuanggao Magnesium Sulfate. Txt the direction of the wind, the more suitable for fly. I amingredients of this product: Magnesium Sulfate.
Indications: can be used as anticonvulsants. Commonly used in pregnancy induced hypertension. Lower blood pressure, treatment of pre eclampsia and eclampsia, also for the treatment of preterm birth.
Properties: colorless transparent liquid.
Pharmacology and toxicology: magnesium ions can inhibit the central nervous activity, inhibition of motor nerve muscle junction acetylcholine release, blocking neuromuscular junction conduction, reduce or relieve muscle contraction, while the effect of relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, peripheral vasodilation, spasm of lower blood pressure, and eclampsia prevention and treatment. Also, has inhibitory effect on uterine smooth muscle contraction, can be used for the treatment of preterm birth.
Pharmacokinetics: intramuscular injection 20 minutes after onset, intravenous injection of almost immediately play a role. Effect lasts 30 minutes, treatment of pre eclampsia and eclampsia, effective blood magnesium concentration is 2 '
5mmol/L, the effective blood concentration of magnesium in treatment of premature was 2. 1 2. 9mmol/L, individual
differences. Intramuscular and intravenous injection of drugs are excreted by the kidneys, speed and serum magnesium concentration an


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