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文档介绍:广东省高等教育自学考试英语专业本科段毕业水平考试复****Part 1: Listening ? Prediction by reading questions and listen to the first several sentences ? Key words ? General idea ? Details ? Give up and move on if you can ’ t. 题型?态度题?场景题?细节题?主旨题?理解题 Part II Section A: Proofreading ?常见错误类型?时态?搭配(介词搭配、固定搭配、短语搭配) ?名词单复数(代词指代) ?主谓一致?逻辑?词性词义?关系代词?平行结构 Section B: Close ? Steps: ? 1. Reading through the passage quickly. ? 2. Find the key words helping to fill the blanks. 题型?搭配题?语义题?词义辨析题?主旨题 Part III prehension ?掌握大意——主旨题?细节题——迅速定位?推理题——合理推断 Part IV Translation Try to find the suitable equivalences in Chinese 1. Did Mary follow the scholar ’ s argument? 2. The gist of what they said in the meeting was as follows . 3. Tom follows the law. 4. The general manager proposed to build two grand hotels there in 2008 and more the following year. 5. The streets of Hangzhou were almost deserted today as Hangzhou people turned into their radio to follow the court proceedings. 6. The private detective follow the man for a couple of days. 7. In the demonstration they were followed by a group of old ladies. 8. I have followed the progress of the construction of this residential area with deep interest. 9. If this view is correct, it follows that the black hole is a kind of material in the universe.